Useful Information

Contact numbers, FAQs & general help for Residents

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Useful Information

Aelwyd Housing is here to help.

Should you not find the information you are looking for here please contact our friendly team who are happy to help.

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Residents Handbook

You can download a copy of our Residents Handbook here.

Damp, Mould and Condensation

Should you have any concerns regarding Damp, Mould or Condensation in your home please contact the office directly by telephoning 029 2048 1203 between the hours of 8:45am and 4:45pm, Monday-Friday. Alternatively you can submit the relevant contact form through the Contact tab on the website.

This document provides more general guidance about

Damp, Mould and Condensation. 

Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy

We always aim to provide an excellent service in all we do, but sometimes we get it wrong. If this happens we would like to work with you to put it right in an informal way, but if you wish to complain about a service you have received from us please see our Complaints policy. 

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

We are committed to promoting equal opportunities in the way we deliver services and in how we recruit and treat our staff. The Association values diversity and recognises the benefits of employing a diverse workforce. Through its work in providing safe, secure, affordable housing in communities that people want to live and thrive in, and as an employer, the Association is committed to being an inclusive organisation. 

We recognise that because some groups of people experience prejudice and discrimination, to make opportunities truly available, will require extra effort and sometimes delivering services differently. 

The Association strives to ensure that no-one receives less favourable treatment or is disadvantaged by any conditions, requirements, provisions criteria, procedures or practices that cannot be justified, or is victimised for acting against discrimination or harassment. 

Deeds Not Words

As part of our work in Autumn 2020, we signed up to the Tai Pawb Deeds Not Words pledge. More information on the pledge and what it means for Housing Association can be found here.


Resident Welfare Fund

The Aelwyd Resident Welfare Fund is aimed at supporting residents to pay for any urgent or unexpected expenses.  This may include the purchase of essential household items or services to help residents improve their overall quality of life, safety, and wellbeing.

The principal aim of the Resident Welfare fund is to be a temporary financial support provision available to residents experiencing financial hardship.

You can read more about the fund in the below guidance. 

Resident Welfare Fund Guidance

If you wish to apply for the fund please make an application using the below form or call the office.

Resident Welfare Fund Application Form



If you smell gas please call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999

Or to find out information about gas connection services in your area you can contact  Wales & West Utilities:

Wales & West utilities


If you are experiencing an issue with your water supply you can check if there are any incidents or work being carried out in your area by visiting the Welsh Water website:

Welsh Water


If you are experiencing a power cut, you can check if your area is experiencing a power outage by visiting the  National Grid website here:


National Grid

Dementia Friendly Organisation


With an increasingly aging popoulation, more people are developing and living with dementia. We want residents to feel supported to live in their homes longer, and maintain their independence as their needs change. 

In 2021 we made the commitment to become a Dementia Friendly Association. In 2022 our Chief Executive and Chair of the Board, met with the Dementia Friends Communities co-ordinator to officially sign the Pledge. 

This is an area of on-going work and we report our progress annually to our board. 

Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan

In June 2022 the Welsh Government launched the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan. This new plan is aimed at public bodies, such as Local Authorities, Police, Schools, Health Trusts and Housing Associations to not only tackle issues of racism but to actively be anti-racist when carrying out their duties. 

The full Action Plan can be found here


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Out of Hours Service

Our Out of Hours service is provided by Delta Wellbeing. To report a repair Out of Office hours please call the main Aelwyd Housing office number on 02920 481203 and wait to be connected to Delta Wellbeing.  Alternatively, you can visit the Delta Wellbeing website and report your emergency online:

Aelwyd Housing

We currently have a vacant 2-bedroom property in Seagull Close, Porthcawl. Please contact the office for further information.


8:45am - 4:45pm : Mon - Fri

Unit 9 Ty Nant Court
CF15 8LW